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We created coaching visual guides to help you in your journey to financial freedom. Simply click on the image to go to download content.

Creating a budget
A budget or spending plan is a way for you to prepare, plan, and purposefully list your income and expenses every month so you can gain control over your money.

10 Steps to achieving your goals
Did you know that you can design the life you want? YES you can! But it must be tied to the goals you set and execute with a solid plan. To accomplish these goals, you must drill down into your daily actions. Use these simple steps to get started.

Teach kids and teens about money
Teaching kids a variety of ways on how money works early on will help them carry it to adulthood. The good news is that this process could be fun and includes a number of daily interactions at home, in the community or even online, the opportunities are endless!

The six money habitude types
Did you know you had a way to deal with money based on your behavior type? Yes you do! Money habitude is a system of six different money personality types to help people understand their money habit, patterns and attitudes.
Want to know your money type? This simple guide will give you an idea of all the types, find out yours!

25 Ways to save for Christmas
Christmas holiday season comes every year and it is one of the most expensive of all. We have 11 months to prepare to save and shop for Christmas, yet many do not plan for it.
Here are 25 ways to plan, prepare, save and give during this festive holiday time.

How to build Financial Freedom
Do you want to achieve financial freedom? Who doesn’t! This term means different things to different people. But simply, it is being able to live the life you design, as well as having enough money, health and risk protection, savings, investment and cash on hand to live, give and splurge both now and in the future.
Here are 12 habits that can help put you on the right path to get to your financially free life!